You can see the difference, my doctor has done really well
This summer I came to Istanbul for a mommy makeover. I confess I was very nervous. I met my doctor and his team on my surgery day. He told me everything in detail. He answered my questions.
In the meantime, the nurses went through a lot of tests to see if my health status was suitable for surgery. From that moment on, I felt very safe because it was very professional. When I woke up after the surgery, the nurses were always there for me.
The second morning he came with his doctor's assistant (a very nice person) and checked if everything was all right.
I stayed in the hospital for 2 days and then I got out of the hospital, but for 5 days my doctor saw how I was doing. After surgery I can see the big difference, you can see :) my doctor did a great job.
I really have come to trust myself and believe that I have achieved the best result.