Rumeli Caddesi No:71 Kat.6
Ege Ozgentas, MD Questions
Answer: Dear Nimet, What you are describing is not normal. I hope you had it done by an authorized person (i...
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Answer: Dear sinaceran, Septum deviation is a condition seen in many people. You did not provide information...
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Answer: Dear my year, It is a burn mark on your hand. For information on the treatment of burn scars, please...
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Answer: Dear ibofidanci, You got an undesirable result with nose surgery. It is possible to correct nasal su...
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Answer: Dear asdfgasdfg, there is a substance that dissolves Juvederm brand fillers. Your doctor who makes t...
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Answer: Dear serkan1, Most likely this situation is temporary and will improve in a few weeks. According to...
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Answer: Dear Sevilince, We also perform very successful nose surgeries on our patients with thick skin. For...
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Answer: Dear aslhn, After the nose surgery, the shape starts to appear after 3 months. Be patient a little l...
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