Nutrition After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Sample Menu

Sleeve Gastrectomy

By Emel Gerdaneri • Medical review by Eren Taskin, MD

Nutrition After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Sample Menu

If you're planning to have gastric sleeve surgery, you're probably looking forward to your new body and have to learn how to eat in a whole new way.

Nutrition and preparation for this life after sleeve gastrectomy will be exciting but also challenging.

Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Specialist Eren Taskin MD made a statement to Newme:
Eren Taskin MD
“The diet you should follow before and after sleeve gastrectomy is very specific, aimed at aiding recovery and preventing complications.

As time progresses, your diet will shift towards helping you establish healthy eating habits so you can continue to lose weight and ultimately maintain a healthy weight for life.

On the 2nd or 3rd day after the operation, after the doctor's consultation and with the permission of the doctor, herbal teas such as water, sugar-free compote, light tea, linden, rosehip can be consumed, provided that they are sugar-free.
diet plan
When starting to feed with liquids, it should be consumed in very small sips and waiting between sips.

If you have a problem of taking too much liquid in sip, it will be better for you to consume liquid with a dessert spoon so that you do not feel uncomfortable.

Nutrition After Gastric Sleeve

after gastric sleeveAt least 1 – 1.5 liters of water should be consumed per day. Only liquid should be consumed for 7 days after the operation.

Thick and non-dense soups with high protein content should be prepared. Here, I would like to list important details about recipes and how to consume after sleeve gastrectomy surgery:

  • 125 – 250 ml (1/2 – 1 cup) of liquid should be consumed at each meal.

  • 1-1.5 hours should be spent to complete the meal.

  • There should be 3 main meals and 3 snacks distributed throughout the day (every 2-3 hours).

  • At least 30 ml (2 tablespoons = 4 teaspoons) should be sipped every 15 minutes.

  • Take care to drink water between main meals and snacks.

  • Liquids consumed should be warm or at room temperature.

To give an exemplary soup recipe for nutrition after sleeve gastrectomy, a soup recipe with high protein content, without dark or sheep, would be ideal.
1 piece of meat / chicken / fish / turkey should be boiled by throwing vegetables into it. Foods containing carbohydrates such as flour, rice, vermicelli, tarhana, which will thicken the soup; vegetables such as carrots, peas, potatoes, yams; Foods such as chickpeas, lentils, dry beans and bulgur should be avoided.
For the boiling process, preferably a pressure cooker should be used for better cooking. The watery and viscous soup, which is made into grains and pieces with a blender, should be passed through a wire strainer. If the filtered liquid flows from the fork like water, it should be consumed.
If a thick liquid is obtained, you can dilute it with some water and consume it after boiling, and of course, make sure that it is warm or at room temperature.
When choosing vegetables for soups, more fibrous and non-consistent vegetables should be preferred. For example; Soups can be made with one or more vegetables every day, such as onions, red or green non-hot peppers, eggplant, zucchini, spinach, chard, tomatoes, mushrooms and so on.
It can be seasoned with yogurt or egg white. A small amount of salt, lemon, non-bitter spices can be added in the cooking process. Adding salt afterwards should not be preferred.
If there is a prohibited vegetable or food group before the surgery, be careful not to consume it during this period according to your special health condition. For example; Patients with hypertension should definitely limit their salt consumption.
If you are going to consume the soup you have prepared in 3 main meals for 7 days, in between meals; It can be sugar-free and grain-free compote, and be careful to strain it through a sieve as it separates into fruit fibers during cooking.
In addition, smooth, unsalted buttermilk, nonfat-lactose-free milk, kefir, freshly squeezed, filtered fruit juices such as apple, peach, apricot, pear, plum, banana, grape juice, vegetable juices, clear You can consume tea and herbal teas.
You can also consume protein foods after tube stomach, which is given within the scope of your doctor's recommendation, in your snacks.

In post- gastric sleeve feeding, you should prefer grain-free, not very thick soups, which are prepared with protein sources within your alternative soup consumption. For example; chicken broth soup, highland soup, etc., all without grains. Prefer soups.”


Written on 29/01/2021


Last Update: 09/11/2023

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