9 Answers
Hello, Hair breaker is a disease that can be treated by dermatologist doctors. Unfortunately, hair transplantation is not suitable without treatment. I wish you healthy days. - Demet Deniz Patient Coordinator | Ozge Ergun, MD | Aesthetic & Plastic Surgeon
Hello, Hair breaker treatment must be done before hair transplantation is planned. Otherwise, hair transplantation will fail. Detailed examination after treatment is important. With our wishes.
It is not suitable for cultivation, hairworm should be treated tests and one session of scalp acell grp. Sevgi Ekiyor Medical Aesthetic -Healthy Life Doctor Medical Aesthetic Practitioner -MD www.sevgiekiyor.com www.sevgiekiyor.co.uk www.sevgiekiyor.asia 05335500513
Hello, first of all, it should be treated for the cause of hair breakage. If the hair quality of the area we call the reception area is good after drug treatment, we can of course help with hair transplantation. You can contact me at 0 (541) 378 38 45 contact number. Good day, love. - Dr Sule Guclu Sakrak Tel: 05412259874 Tamer Sakrak Clinic
Hair transplantation is possible in patients with alopecia areata, but medical treatment options should be applied beforehand.
Hello, for detailed information and free hair analysis, you can send your hair photos via WhatsApp (+90 538 541 76 86), taken from the front, back, top and sides. Dr. Nezail Blacksmiths