Hello, Liposuction is a surgery to reshape the body by vacuuming the excess fat in the body. It is the only proven method for the treatment of fats resistant to melting despite diet and sports. In recent years, many ultrasound-powered, laser-assisted or vibration-assisted technologies have emerged for liposuction. Although each of them has some advantages, careful technique and liposuction with a thin cannula are the keys to successful results. VASER liposuction or ultrasonic liposuction has come to the fore in recent years, especially with fast recovery, less swelling and more opportunities for shaping. In Vaser liposuction, ultrasonic energy is applied directly into the adipose tissue with special probes. Fats together with this energy are separated from each other and from the surrounding connective tissues. This allows for a much easier and less traumatic liposuction. After Vaser Liposuction, unwanted fluctuations in the skin are much less. It is also advantageous in body shaping, creating curves. In liposuction, some serious risks of the blood circulation system begin to arise, especially in the case of very high volumes of fat. For this reason, we take great care to stay within safe limits. In the late period, the recovery of the skin is not at the desired level, irregularity or fluctuation can be seen. In order to minimize these possibilities, we use ultrasonic sound wave assisted technologies, pull fat with thin cannulas and use laser technologies to achieve tightening of the skin. I wish you a healthy and beautiful day. Kiss. Dr. M. Hakan BULAM, Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist M. Hakan BULAM, MD, FEBOPRAS, Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon
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Helpful?Op. Dr. Mehmet Hakan Bulam - Meme Küçültme | Yeniben ile Estetik Sohbetler #10<\/strong><\/a><br \/>\r\n <\/div>","created_at":"2020-10-23T16:11:01.000000Z","updated_at":"2022-04-05T12:27:04.000000Z","deleted_at":null}]},"translations":[{"id":13109,"locale":"en","answer_id":8990,"content":"Hello, Liposuction is a surgery to reshape the body by vacuuming the excess fat in the body. It is the only proven method for the treatment of fats resistant to melting despite diet and sports. In recent years, many ultrasound-powered, laser-assisted or vibration-assisted technologies have emerged for liposuction. Although each of them has some advantages, careful technique and liposuction with a thin cannula are the keys to successful results. VASER liposuction or ultrasonic liposuction has come to the fore in recent years, especially with fast recovery, less swelling and more opportunities for shaping. In Vaser liposuction, ultrasonic energy is applied directly into the adipose tissue with special probes. Fats together with this energy are separated from each other and from the surrounding connective tissues. This allows for a much easier and less traumatic liposuction. After Vaser Liposuction, unwanted fluctuations in the skin are much less. It is also advantageous in body shaping, creating curves. In liposuction, some serious risks of the blood circulation system begin to arise, especially in the case of very high volumes of fat. For this reason, we take great care to stay within safe limits. In the late period, the recovery of the skin is not at the desired level, irregularity or fluctuation can be seen. In order to minimize these possibilities, we use ultrasonic sound wave assisted technologies, pull fat with thin cannulas and use laser technologies to achieve tightening of the skin. I wish you a healthy and beautiful day. Kiss. Dr. M. Hakan BULAM, Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist M. Hakan BULAM, MD, FEBOPRAS, Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon","created_at":"2021-02-04T10:08:31.000000Z","updated_at":"2021-02-04T10:08:31.000000Z","deleted_at":null},{"id":12810,"locale":"tr","answer_id":8990,"content":"Merhaba,\nLiposuction v\u00fccuttaki fazla ya\u011flar\u0131n vakum ile al\u0131nmas\u0131 ile v\u00fccuda \u015fekil verilmesi ameliyat\u0131d\u0131r. Diyete ve spora ra\u011fmen erimeye diren\u00e7li ya\u011flar\u0131n tedavisi i\u00e7in g\u00fcn\u00fcm\u00fczde etkinli\u011fi ispatlanm\u0131\u015f tek y\u00f6ntemdir. \nLiposuction i\u00e7in son y\u0131llarda ultrason enerjili, lazer yard\u0131ml\u0131 veya titre\u015fim yard\u0131ml\u0131 bir \u00e7ok teknoloji ortaya \u00e7\u0131km\u0131\u015ft\u0131r. Herbirinin baz\u0131 avantajlar\u0131 bulunsa da \u00f6zenli uygun bir teknik ve ince bir kan\u00fclle yap\u0131lan liposuction ba\u015far\u0131l\u0131 sonu\u00e7lar\u0131n anahtarlar\u0131d\u0131r. \nVASER liposuction veya ultrasonik liposuction \u00f6zellikle h\u0131zl\u0131 iyile\u015fme, daha az \u015fi\u015flik ve \u015fekillendirmeye daha fazla imkan sa\u011flamas\u0131 ile son y\u0131llarda \u00f6ne \u00e7\u0131kmaktad\u0131r. Vaser liposuctionda \u00f6zel problar ile direk ya\u011f dokusunun i\u00e7ine ultrasonik eneji uygulan\u0131r. Bu enerji ile birarada bulunan ya\u011flar birbirinden ve \u00e7evre ba\u011f dokular\u0131ndan ayr\u0131l\u0131r. Bu durum \u00e7ok daha kolay ve daha az travmatik bir liposuction yap\u0131lmas\u0131na olanak sa\u011flan\u0131r. Vaser Liposuction sonras\u0131 deride istenmeyen dalgalanmalar \u00e7ok daha az olur. Ayr\u0131ca v\u00fccut \u015fekillendirmesinde, k\u0131vr\u0131mlar\u0131n olu\u015fturulmas\u0131nda da avantajl\u0131d\u0131r.\nLiposuction da \u00f6zellikle \u00e7ok y\u00fcksek hacimde ya\u011f al\u0131nmas\u0131 durumunda kan dola\u015f\u0131m sistemine ait baz\u0131 ciddi riskler ortaya \u00e7\u0131kmaya ba\u015fl\u0131yor. Bu nedenle g\u00fcvenli limitler i\u00e7inde kalmaya b\u00fcy\u00fck \u00f6zen g\u00f6steriyoruz.\nGe\u00e7 d\u00f6nemde ise derinin toparlamas\u0131n\u0131n istenen seviyede olamamas\u0131, d\u00fczensizlik veya dalgalanma g\u00f6r\u00fclebiliyor. Bu ihtimalleri en aza indirmek i\u00e7in ultrasonik ses dalgalas\u0131 yard\u0131ml\u0131 teknolojileri kullan\u0131yor, ince kan\u00fcllerle ya\u011flar\u0131 \u00e7ekiyor ve deride s\u0131k\u0131la\u015fma elde etmek i\u00e7in lazer teknolojilerinden faydalan\u0131yoruz. \nSa\u011fl\u0131kl\u0131 ve g\u00fczel g\u00fcnler dilerim.\nOp. Dr. M. Hakan BULAM, Plastik Rekonstr\u00fcktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Uzman\u0131\nM. Hakan BULAM, MD, FEBOPRAS, Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon","created_at":"2021-01-28T19:44:29.000000Z","updated_at":"2021-01-28T19:44:29.000000Z","deleted_at":null}]}"
Hello, There are different methods such as classical liposuction, VASER, lipomatic ... in fat removal procedures. It is decided according to the characteristics of the patient and the amount of fat to be taken. You come to our clinic or @dr on Instagram. If you access the textinkerem account, we can give you more detailed information. Yours
Hello, We are applying lipomatic liposuction. If your skin quality is good, problem-free results can be achieved. If your skin quality is poor and you have a large basin, some skin accumulation can be seen.
Hello Vaser, that is, ultrasonic liposuction provides better recovery of the area taken. Since fluctuation may occur due to the anatomy of the hip and leg area, it should be carefully thinned, but the use of vaser device, thin cannula, and not working superficially will reduce the risks.
If you are not overweight, if there is resistant fat in the hip area, liposuction can be applied to the relevant area. We prefer to use technological devices such as VASER or LASER while liposuction. In this way, we experience less sagging on the skin and we can achieve more effective results. After liposuction, there may sometimes be cellulite-like appearance and mild irregularities on the skin.
Hello, we are performing our operations with the Vaser liposuction system. Your fats are melted with ultrasonic sound waves and mashed and taken out. If you have surgery to the right physician, there is no cons. If you wish, you can contact me on 0532 2577368 for detailed information.
Hello, I am Kubra, assistant of Assoc. For all your questions about liposuction, you can write to us on our whatsapp line at +90 530 762 7002. Thank you for your interest in our center, we wish you a good day.
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